
Korean Presidential Candidates Debate On Gay Rights For First Time Ever


South Korean presidential candidates Moon Jae In and Hong Joon Pyo discussed the topic of homosexuality during the fourth presidential debate and Jae In’s stance surprised many.

The topic of gay rights is often avoided in the quite conservative Korea and is almost always avoided by presidential candidates. The short exchange about the topic was the first time the issue has been brought up since presidential debates began in South Korea in 1992.

Hong Joon Pyo of the conservative Liberty Korea Party raised the issue in the debate, saying that homosexuals were to be blamed for the spread of AIDS in Korea. There is, however, absolutely no scientific evidence backing up this claim. He also stated that the Korean military is being negatively affected by gay men (referring to the recent military interrogation scandal) and that they are weakening the country’s defense.

Gen. Jang Jun Gyu was reported to have ordered the investigation of gay soldiers in the military. / Source: Yonhap News

After voicing his opinion about gay soldiers in the Korean army, Hong Joon Pyo asked the current presidential front-runner, Moon Jae In of the Democratic Party, if he agreed on the issue. Jae In, a former human rights lawyer, surprisingly admitted that he agreed with his opponent.

Hong Joon Pyo then asked Moon Jae In if he was against homosexuality and he responded in the affirmative. He later clarified his position, stating that while he opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage, he also opposes discrimination based on sexual orientation. He claims that these are two separate issues.

A protestor fighting against discrimination based on sexual orientation waving a rainbow flag in front of Moon Jae In during a recent press event. / Source: Scoopnest

Justice Party candidate, Sim Sang Jeung, appeared to be the only firm supporter of gay rights, while People’s Party candidate Ahn Cheol Soo and Bareun Party candidate Yoo Seong Min remained silent on the matter.

The debate between the five clearly indicates that the topic of gay rights is gaining more and more public awareness, but the responses and comments given by Moon Jae In have left many disappointed.

[Written for Koreaboo. Original publication available here.]

[Koreaboo is an online media company focused on reporting on Korean pop culture news in English to a global audience of 40 million readers across 100 countries. The company was founded in the U.S. and operates internationally in Seoul and Los Angeles.

Koreaboo is also the co-founder and creator of KCON, a Korean pop culture convention and music festival held annually in  7 countries with 200,000+ attendees.]

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Harrastuksesta tulonlähteeksi: Laura Fuentes Designs



No heipä hei! Täällä kirjoittelee Laura Fuentes, kolmannen vuoden Pörssiläinen ja viestinnän johtamisen pääaineopiskelija. Tarkimmat saattaa muistaa minut Pörssin graafikon pestistä viimeisen kahden vuoden ajalta! Nykyään toimin koulun ohella freelance graafikkona ja toki taiteilen paljon myös vapaa-ajallani.


Taide on aina ollut suuri osa elämääni — aika lailla kehdosta asti on kynä ollut kädessä! Hyvin nuorella iällä päädyinkin taidekursseille ja kävin niitä koulun vierellä seitsemän vuotta. Vähän vanhempana päätin sitten lopettaa kurssit ja jatkaa harrastusta kotona, jotta saisin enemmän vapauksia ilmaisuuni. Harrastus on itsellä hyvin monimuotoinen — teen niin perinteistä kuin digitaalistakin taidetta ja työvälineet vaihtelevat siveltimistä, värikynistä ja tekstiiliväreistä, aina kuvanmuokkaus- ja graafisen suunnittelun ohjelmiin asti.

Milloin ja miten päädyit yrittäjäksi?

Viime vuonna pandemian aiheuttamien epävarmuuksien vuoksi lähti itseltä kesätyöt alta ja päätin pistää yrityksen pystyyn kesän alussa avittamaan vähän omaa työtilannettani. Halusin jollakin tavalla kerryttää omalle alalle hyödyllistä työkokemusta ja katsoa mihin kaikkeen pystyisin. Alusta lähtien kuitenkin suunnitelmissa on ollut pitää yritystoiminta pienenä, varsinkin lukukausien aikaan. Halusin päästä kokeilemaan ja kehittymään siirtämättä pääfokusta opinnoistani pois.

Hyvät ja huonot puolet harrastuksen ja työn yhdistämisestä?

Uusien asioiden kokeileminen ja itsensä haastaminen ovat aina hyvästä! Omalla kohdalla harrastuksen ja työn yhdistäminen on auttanut muun muassa selkeyttämään minkälaista työtä haluan tulevaisuudessa tehdä. Graafikkona toimiminen on osoittanut minulle, että pelkän sisällöntuotannon sijasta haluan mieluummin ohjata isompia kokonaisuuksia ja hyödyntää muitakin taitojani. Haluan kuitenkin pitää visuaalisuuden tavalla tai toisella osana myös tulevaisuuden työkuvaani. Huonona puolena varsinkin tällaisen taiteellisen yhdistelmän kanssa on se, että saattaa olla välillä vaikeaa jättää omat toteutushaaveensa sivuun ja kuunnella korva tarkkana asiakkaan toiveita. Taiteellinen toteuttaminen saattaa tuntua hyvin rajoitteiselta.

Onko yrittäjyys osa tulevaisuuden urahaaveitasi?

Tällä hetkellä ei, mutta sitä ei koskaan tiedä mitä tulevaisuus tuo tullessaan! Haluan opintojeni aikana päästä ennen kaikkea kokeilemaan erilaisia asioita, jotta oma tie selkeytyy entisestään.

Terveiset muille Pörssiläisille, jotka miettivät harrastuksen ja työn yhdistämistä?

Ehdottomasti kokeilemaan! Vaikka yhdistelmä ei nappaisikaan, oppii siinä silti paljon uusia taitoja ja löytää uusia puolia itsestään. Itse näen kaiken työkokemuksen olevan hyvästä, kunhan pitää itsensä liikkeellä ja mukavassa kehityskierteessä. Harrastus-työ kombot vaan tulille, Laura kannattaa!

[Kirjoitettu Jyväskylän kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelijoiden ainejärjestön, Pörssi ry:n lehteä, Pörssikurssia varten. Alkuperäinen julkaisu saatavilla täällä.]

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BTS and Big Hit Entertainment CEO Land Interview With Billboard


BTS and BigHit Entertainment‘s CEO were recently interviewed by Billboard concerning the reasons behind their growing popularity and plans for the future.

During the interview, BTS discussed the messages they try to convey and how their influence is showing in the industry.

Digging deeper into the personal topics in BTS’s songs the group was asked to explain the importance behind their lyrics.

Suga: Worldwide, our young generation shares the same issues socially and politically. I think that young people feel the same way about similar issues and BTS wants to cheer them up with our songs and talk about our feelings and social issues.

Rap Monster: These topics, like you said, they’re important, right? They should be told by someone. Someone should talk about it. And if someone should talk about it, then it feels like we have to talk about it. It’s very much an honor that we get power and attention from our fans them when we use our voices more. It’s important to us and the bigger the voice that we get, the more powerful that our words become.

BTS’s Wings album features solo tracks from each of the members. Jin and Rap Monster had some thoughts to share about this unique feature on their newest album.

Jin: The solo tracks were important because it was personal, an individual story and it was represented in the way that we are good at it. We worked a lot on each track and that’s why it was important to each of us.

Rap Monster: When I get questions about why is K-pop is so popular; I always tell them K-pop is like a great mix of music, videos, visuals, choreography, social media and real-life contents. Making the solo tracks on the album was quite a venture, but it’s connected to the concept. Like, when you watch the “I Need U” video, everyone has their own crises and characters. It’s kind of connected to our real personalities and characters, but the solo songs have their own characters and personalities. It’s all connected. It’s a mixture and that’s why people get interested in the concepts.

Music acts are often influenced by their predecessors and big artists are sure to leave an impact on the music industry. Jungkook responded to a question about their influence as a group, could it already be seen amongst the other groups in the industry?

Jungkook: When we debuted back in 2013, we were influenced by our seniors. Over the years, as we watched other younger groups, we know they talk about us, they cover us and they follow us. I think they’re saying in interviews that they learned a lot from us and that makes us feel great. Being a senior, we want to be a good influence and be a better role model to other groups.

As the BTS section of the interview neared its end, the group was given their last question. Is BTS happy?

V: For now, we are very happy as we are, as a group, together. And I think we are happy because we are walking on the same path, walking the same direction. We wanted to get Best of the Year award, but we have it already so our goal is to make great music, to share it with our fans.

Rap Monster: And a worldwide, stadium tour. That’s the goal.

V: We have grander goals.

BigHit Entertainment CEO Bang Si Hyuk, better known as “Hitman” Bang, had some revelations to share about upcoming plans for the group. He said that a new album was already being made and more U.S. concerts might be added to their schedule later this year. Bang Si Hyuk also hinted that BTS’ international listeners might be getting some special features designed for them, but assures that the group will stay true to its roots.

He addressed future plans for the U.S market in the interview, which also happened to be his first one with the American press.

“I’m not a believer in releasing full English songs to the U.S. market, like many K-pop artists have. We must focus on what we do best as K-pop artists and producers and maybe add some special features to which international or U.S. music fans can feel attached. That is the best way for me to put K-pop into the mainstream U.S. music market–”

— BigHit Entertainment’s Bang Si Hyuk

As the group’s sold-out U.S. arena tour came to an end on April 2 with an attendance rate of approximately 60 000 people, it’s not hard to say that the 7-member-group has come a long way since their debut in 2013. In fact, their second full-length album, Wings, also became the first K-pop project to be featured in the top 40 of the Billboard 200. BTS continues to grow its popularity around the world and is now seemingly planning bigger on making its way further into the international music scene.

[Written for Koreaboo. Original publication available here.]

[Koreaboo is an online media company focused on reporting on Korean pop culture news in English to a global audience of 40 million readers across 100 countries. The company was founded in the U.S. and operates internationally in Seoul and Los Angeles.

Koreaboo is also the co-founder and creator of KCON, a Korean pop culture convention and music festival held annually in  7 countries with 200,000+ attendees.]

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Korean Army Chief Punished Soldiers for Being Gay After Undercover Investigation


According to a campaign group, a high-ranking army official in South Korea has ordered a mass probe to identify gay soldiers.

A campaign group, Military Human Rights Center for Korea (MHRCK), has claimed that General Jang Junkyu, army chief of staff in South Korea, has set out a search to find and expose all suspected gay personnel.

The campaign group said that they had started receiving multiple reports from victims earlier this year. According to the full report by MHRCK, the army used dating apps to find the personnel and, once identified, interrogated the men about their private lives in explicit detail.

Gen. Jang Jun Gyu, who is thought to have ordered this search, at a farewell ceremony in Incheon, before sending troops to Lebanon as part of a UN-led peacekeeping operation. Source: Yonhap News

The report says soldiers are being pressured psychologically with threats of being exposed to their peers. So far, the search has identified 50 soldiers, 20 of whom are now facing charges under the country’s military anti-homosexuality laws.

Although homosexuality is not illegal in South Korea, the army retains a code of conduct that bans homosexuality and a soldier who commits “disgraceful conduct” can face up to two years in prison.

MHRCK stated that these acts are discrimination and are a violation of human rights.

“Gen. Jang is obviously incapable of leading the army, he treated his men who did their best to protect their homeland as if they were culprits and made them suffer the most horrible fear — losing personal dignity. He must take responsibility and resign immediately.”


After the report had been released by the campaign group, the army immediately denied the accusations of a large scale search and stated that it was confined to one incident.

“The investigation team launched the probe after recognizing that an incumbent soldier uploaded a video of him having sexual intercourse with another male soldier on social media,”

— Republic of Korea Armed Forces

The army said that an investigation is being conducted, but that it is focused on the relationships between the serving personnel. The army also said that it has been protecting the human rights and private information of those involved.

The South Korean army originally imported its military law from Western countries, but since then, many of these countries have abolished the laws because they are no longer acceptable.

While almost all major Western countries now allow openly gay soldiers, South Korea has yet to change its rules.

[Written for Koreaboo. Original publication available here.]

[Koreaboo is an online media company focused on reporting on Korean pop culture news in English to a global audience of 40 million readers across 100 countries. The company was founded in the U.S. and operates internationally in Seoul and Los Angeles.

Koreaboo is also the co-founder and creator of KCON, a Korean pop culture convention and music festival held annually in  7 countries with 200,000+ attendees.]

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